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Eddie from Tasmanian Devil (IPG3)
.................................. Jahna of Kreative

Jahna had 6 sable puppies on the 22nd
of February, (4 males and 2 females)
All puppies reserved
Eddie is an impressive medium sized young male
imported from Czech Republic who earned his IGP 3 at 23 months
of age. He is a black sable with incredible speed and a full
grip. He is clear headed in protection with solid defense. His
ball drive is extreme and his relationship with his handler
is loving and loyal. With ancestors from Stribrneho kamene,
Klidkova dvora and Mohnwiese kennels to name just a few in his
pedigree we are excited for the potential of his progeny as
well as the opportunity to add in some of those awesome old
school Czech dogs.
Jahna is a gorgeous light sable female with
excellent working drive drives, a loving disposition and superb
conformation. A daughter of Vello von der Prinzenbrucke and
Yadira of Kreative, her pedigree is filled with some of the
greatest working dogs of all time such as; Etzel vom Stadtfeld,
Javir vom Talka Marda, Nino von der Salztal-Höhe, Yedi
vom Riederloh, and Rocky von der Zingelgärten.
This litter is confirmed and due february
24, 2025. This will be an all sable litter, we expect
excellent working drives and exceptional temperaments. This
litter should be capable of family protection, sportwork and
Puppies are priced: Males: $5000 (with transportation
included), $4000 (pick up price) Females: $4500 (with transportation
included), $3500 (pick up price). Prices include microchip,
current shot records and AKC registration.
This litter qualifies for the DM Clear By Parentage
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Eddie from Tasmanian Devil (IPG3)
.................................. Trixie of
Kreative (RPD3)
Deposits are open
Eddie is an impressive medium sized young male
imported from Czech Republic who earned his IGP 3 at 23 months
of age. He is a black sable with incredible speed and a full
grip. He is clear headed in protection with solid defense. His
ball drive is extreme and his relationship with his handler
is loving and loyal. With ancestors from Stribrneho kamene,
Klidkova dvora and Mohnwiese kennels to name just a few in his
pedigree we are excited for the potential of his progeny as
well as the opportunity to add in some of those awesome old
school Czech dogs.
Trixie is a tall, gorgeous, solid black Ronin
daughter with excellent conformation. She has high natural defense
and excellent ball drive and is exceptionally loyal to her people.
Her pedigree includes some of the finest Czech working dogs
including: Itar Jipo-me, Chuck Aritar Bastet, Gero Bohemia Abakan,
Unkas vom Salztalblick, Ivery z Frantiskody zahrady, Lary Bret-Bett,
Norbo Ben-ju, Chuna policía, and we could go on and on.
This litter will be classic old school Czech
lines which should result in solid working drives, heavy bone,
and excellent temperaments. Trixie is confirmed pregnant and
due on April 6, 2025.
Puppies are priced: Males: $5000 (with transportation
included), $4000 (pick up price) Females: $4500 (with transportation
included), $3500 (pick up price). Prices include microchip,
current shot records and AKC registration.
This litter qualifies for the DM Clear By Parentage